ALL SLA chapters and divisions need to develop sources of revenue beyond our unit allotments in order to support creative programming, leader travel, awards, and outreach efforts. The next webinar in the Leadership Training Series, “Best Practices for Raising Money,” aims to help you with just that.
Register now to get tips and practical examples from SLA Treasurer John DiGilio and successful unit fundraisers about how to partner with vendors, when and how to ask for support, how to make your unit its most attractive to funders, sources of revenue besides vendors, and MORE. This FREE webinar is being held well in advance of SLA’s Annual Conference and Info Expo so that you will be able to take advantage of the opportunities available during the conference.
Leadership Training Webinar: “Best Practices for Raising Money”
Thursday, April 4, 2013
11:00am – 12:00pm Pacific Time
Registration link:
Can’t make the time? This session will be recorded and made available on the Leadership Training website.
Brought to you by your 2013 Cabinet Officers:
Debbie Schachter, Chapter Cabinet Chair
Kama Siegel, Chapter Cabinet Chair-Elect
Ulla de Stricker, Chapter Cabinet Past-Chair
Ann Koopman, Division Cabinet Chair
Tara Murray, Division Cabinet Chair-Elect
Richard Huffine, Division Cabinet Past-Chair