Join the Rocky Mountain Chapter April for a Third Thursday Virtual Lunch featuring Anne Hengehold!
Date: Thursday, April 18, 2013
Time: 11:00 PM, Pacific Standard Time
Cost: Free to SLA members, and $10 for non-SLA members
Are you wondering if you can trade the insecurity of your corporate gig for more control over your destiny? Or hoping to use an unemployed moment to discover work you love?
Hear the story of how one corporate library refugee is turning downsized into a right-sized job and life.
You’ll come away with a starter kit of questions, checklists and resources including:
- What to know about yourself before you start
- 5 essential team members
- 3 planning sketches you can’t do without
- Time, dirt and money
- Measuring gains along the way
About Anne:
While officially an “independent information professional” since 2011, Anne Hengehold has been on a trajectory leading to the founding of Clarify Information Services since the mid 80’s. By day, she was growing the production side of a fledgling audio services company. By night, prepping for radio interviews with authors and other intriguing thinkers allowed her inner info junky to run wild. Add one Masters in Library Science and Information degree, seven years in a fabulous library at an engineering firm, blend with one corporate implosion, and you have a recipe for the making of an independent info pro.
An SLA member since 2005, Anne currently serves as President of SLA Illinois.
Register here:
Non-members pay $10 here